Train Studio Personal Fitness

Train Studio Personal Fitness
Unlimited personal Training for $99 a Month

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Whole Weight With Raymond Tyler: FEELING GOOD!


Raymond Tyler about to rock the crowd at Resorts Classic Car Show to benefit The Veterans.

The Whole Weight with Raymond Tyler

The Whole Weight is a series of articles written by journalist Raymond Tyler regarding his lifestyle change and weight loss. This series is meant to inspire. Tyler also hopes that readers will get the information needed to make positive changes in their lives for their better physical and mental health.

The Whole Weight, The Men’s Brief and The Music and Entertainment Report is sponsored by Train Studios.


No one understands the yearning to lose weight and to be in better shape like I do.

Fact: The early death of NFL Hall of Famer Reggie White scared me straight. His death forced me to look at what I was eating, my lack of exercise and my sudden weight gain.

Everyone has their own story of the reality I call “We’re Not In High School Any More.”
Perhaps one day, you tried on your “big jeans” and they became your skinny jeans. Have you gone out to play basket ball or ride a bike and found yourself laboring to get down the court or up the “easy” hill? Have you walked by a mirror and whispered “WTF”? I can say “yes” to all of these scenarios.

No one understands like I do, the problem is not “lack of motivation.”

I know that armed with the PROPER diet information and a commitment to a LIFESTYLE CHANGE, YOU CAN DO IT!

FACT: While I am a long way from high school. With in a month of working with Train Studios and their staff, I was feeling as good as I did in college!

FACT: The diet information I received from TRAIN STUDIOS is worth my weight in PLATINUM!

I spoke with Hesh about how great I feel as the weight is coming off and one of the secrets he shared with me is that cutting out the sugar helps repair a lot of damage to the body as well as helps you shed pounds. If you are eating some fruits, candy, pies, cake, every day? You need to know that sugar works as a stimulant and that is what causes many men and women to feel like they are “aging poorly.” Since cutting sugar out of my diet I have MORE energy, I need less sleep, I get more done, I feel YOUNGER.

You can do it. You can change your eating habits. You can substitute soda, energy drinks, and fruit juices for water and things like crystal light. Train Studios can give you so much information on how to eat better. Does anything taste like pizza? No it doesn’t. Train Studios can however help you with preparing tasty dishes that will aid tremendously in your life change.

If only I had known years earlier that the only things keeping me from my goal weight and reclaiming my life were: a half hour of exercise per day, a gallon of water per day, and giving up food that was killing me.

Reclaim you life. Get to your goal weight. Feel better than you have since your college days. Visit the Train Studios in Mayslanding located at 270 Consumer Square (near Target) and tell them you read this column and you are ready. My people get a free session and UNLIMITED PERSONAL TRAINING for only $99 a month. (Isn’t feeling better worth $25 a week and a half hour of your day?)

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